My new Blog is Poke Legends! I no longer update this Blog and if you don't know why, please read my latest Blog post.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Guys i'm sorry for not being on alot
the reason I hacn't been on in so long is because i'm in school now so its hard for me to post blogs I promise you guys i'll try to make posts as much as possible bye :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I'm going to start making pokemon Black and White posts
I'm going to start making pokemon Black and white posts either tomorrow or the next day so remembe check in daily or weekly it's your choice see ya guys :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Attention if you have have a acount read this
If you have a acount then search todidile09 and you can find me and hang out with me bye bye :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Pokemon spotlight!!!!!!!!
todays pokemon spotlight is Darkrai one because it's a Epic pokemon and two is because it has a awesome abillity and it has a awesome special pokemon attack. It's special attack is Dark void and it's special abillity is nightmares it makes your pokemon have nightmares when they fall asleep and they slowly get hurt every turn that there asleep. Now if you want a legendary a one particurlly legendary it should be Darkrai :) well thats all for now check dailly and there will probally be a new blog or two if theres two or three new blogs it means I wont be on for two or three days well bye.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm starting school again so i'm going to be making lots of posts after school
This is awesome i'm starting school again so I wont be goofing off i'll be making tons of posts so remember guys check in every now and then to see some new posts bye :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pokemon Spotlight
In this post of pokemon spotlight were gonna talk about Togekiss I chose this pokemon because I had an amazing battle with one it practicly beat me! But I won! So to get back on track the Togekiss had Bright Powder as it's item and what this item does is it makes it's acuracy very very high! But anyways my Tyranitar destroyed it with stone edge!!!!!!!! But it put up a good fight :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I have a fully trained Pokemon Team with the perfect moves and stats
I'm ready to defeat any trainer with my new team of legendarys Raquaza,Groudon,Kyogre,Giratina,Arceus, and Dialga I recomend you copy this team for serious battles well so long for now and remember keep up with battling! :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Ultimate Regi Team
I have in my team a Regice Regirock and a Registeel and they are the ultimate team I also have a Regigigas in my team to but mainly my three Regi's are the perfect part to my team i've already won 5 battles in a row with them and the person I battled with which you can hear about in my older post this truly proves i'm a Regi master on monday im going to have more battles with my friends so they better look out for my Regi's! :)
Today I won A total of 5 battles with my friend Xavier
Today was one of the greatest days of battling in a while like one of my favorite things were the bond between are pokemon Xavier was just so conected with his pokemon his Crawdaunt was really amazing its Crabhammer was just so powerful i've never seen a crabhammer that strong My Star was Regirock its Stealth rock is just amazing and its super power really was awesome! :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mewtwo in Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold
Catching Mewtwo is most trainers goals once in Kanto but to battle this Legendary pokemon I would hope you saved that master ball if you havn't gotten the second one which you can find out about in one of my older posts because Lugia or Ho-oh is not as good as Mewtwo I mean he's level 70 and Lugia or Ho-oh is what level 45 which is better? yes Lugia or Ho-oh has way better moves then when you first catch Mewtwo but you have 2 chances to rebattle Lugia or Ho-oh but you only have 1 chance to battle Mewtwo so which is better anyways Mewtwo may be found in Ceruleon City Cave here is a video link that may help you out um just to let you know buy tons of Max Repels I used a lot of money on them maybe i'll post a unlimited money code for you guys well anyways this is the end of this blog farewell for now. Also just because the video is fire red its the same thing as soul silver and heart gold.
The Three New Pokemon Black And White Starters
Mirimuji-Water type
Pokabu-Fire Type
These three new starters of the issue region have already made most pokemon lovers exited about the newest game thats coming out in japan within a month lucky them :( which is called Pokemon Black and White now heres the bad part we America the USA have to wait 1 2 3 ready a whole entire year! ....... know it stinks but it's worth the wait so heres the realese date spring 2011 i'm just as bumbed out as you are but unless you want the whole thing in Japenese you need to wait for them to change it to American language well thats all for this blog bye bye :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Beat me and win free level 100's
If you beat me in a pokemon battle I will ask you what level 100 you want and i'll get it for you and give it to you just beat me hint your up against some ground types good luck :)
Get ready fo the new Pokemon Black and White
The New Pokemon Black and White its going to be epic it has all new pokemon all new trainers all new region and all new towns citys and gyms! Pokemon Black and White is going to be te most Epic game of all the Pokemon games so far its gonna have 3D quality to it and everything so make sure to get it Spring 2011 ....... I know it stinks we must wait a whole year but Japan only must wait a month ....... Japan is lucky :(
The Enigma Stone
This pokemon Event started on july 31'st and it's ending on August 27'th Go now on mystery gift only Soul Silver and Heart Gold and you can get the Enigma Stone this stone may only be acepted if you have wi-fi this stone makes it so when you beat the game you can get Latios and Latias once you acept this gift you must head to the Poke Mart to acept your gift from the delivery man.
Good Luck :)
If you guys make this blog page poular i'll give away free pokemon even the Ryperior I mentioned before
All's you must do is get this blog page popular tell your friends familly tell everyone remember take my advice and your sure to win! :)
The Top wi-fi trade of August 2'nd
I have to say the top wi-fi trade of August 2'nd goes to drapion it's one of the top most traded pokemon the move most of them know is Poison Fang the second is Cross Poison third Crunch forth Toxic Spikes and fifth is Pin Missile so if you like Drapion and you like Poison Type moves then head over to wi-fi GTS for the perfect Poison Pokemon.
Attention if you own pokemon battle revolution and battle someone named Pokemon News it's me
Be warned I have a party full of level 100's and i'll probally use the Hippowdon technique on you so look out for me i'm a tough fighter!
Hippowdons Stratigy
In this blog i'm gonna discuss Hippowdon do and dont's ok so your in battle using your Hippowdon its a double battle so you send out a Grandbull when you could have used a Steelix whats the mistake 1. is Granbull will be hurt by Hippowdon's sand storm because its sandstream ability starts a sand storm 2. is with Steelix the sand storm would have no affect due to it being a steel type and you could make an easy win. So I hope my stratigy helped you because I will be giving out a Hippowdon over wi-fi GTS leave a message in the coments asking for it and you can get a level 100 Hippowdon just give me yur friend code in the comments and i'll give it to you for a random pokemon you don't want.
Ryperior's many advantages
Trainer Spotlight
I just found the coolest thing ever in France most of the pokemon thats name starts with an L is changed to somthing weird like I saw like six Lapras with the name Locklass and I just traded my Mamoswine for a Larvitar named Embrylex I find that cool and worth my Mamoswine hey I had two Mamoswines anyways I would like to give a huge thanks to Clem's for Larvitar or should I say Embrylex.
Trainer Spotlight
Today I traded my wartortle Piticli which I also got off of the GTS for a Japenese Raichu level 22 don't worry Raichu You will be level 100 in no time.
How to get a second master ball without cheats
Here are some of my best secrets of Soul Silver and Heart Gold
How to get a second Master Ball with no cheats
if you go to the pokemon lottery corner in goldenrod city and match every number of the lottery you can win the grand prize a second master ball!
How to get a second Master Ball with no cheats
if you go to the pokemon lottery corner in goldenrod city and match every number of the lottery you can win the grand prize a second master ball!
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