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Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Blog!

This is no longer my main Blog! I will keep it here for the sake of it, but now I own a newer and more professional Blog. Keep in mind, I started this Blog when I was probably 11 or 12, I am turning 16 this July and have grown in intelligence since then of course. Please go check out my new Blog, it's called Poke Legends this Blog will be updated daily and I will not let this new Blog fail. This is my new and much more professional Blog, Please go check it out and see how much I have grown and improved. Although it fills me with fond memories and nostalgia to be Blogging this post under the Pokemon News again, it's just time for me to move onto a much more professional Blog. I would start over fresh, it just makes things much easier on my part. It pains me to say this but, this will most likely be the final Blog of the Pokemon News. I thank anyone who followed this Blog back in it's days of updates and such, but now I will run a much more organized and improved Blog. Goodbye from Pokemon News, and welcome to Poke Legends!