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Monday, September 12, 2011

Pokemon of the month is Blaziken

Blaziken is a straight forward excellent Pokemon stat wise you have just got to love it. It's speed is excellent as is it's attack and special attack so it's good in attacking defensive and specially defensive Pokemon. This was my first Pokemon of the month so enjoy and I will put more info on Blaziken on time see you guys around bye :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I am going to try and update this as much as possible!!!!!

Everyone i'm so sorry for the 4 to 5 month delay I lost count I have just been so busy I hope you guys arn't mad well I don't have a lot of time on my hands right now so I have to end this one early now XD

See you guys stay cool :)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sorry I have not made any posts latly

Okay so i'd like to apologize for noy blogging for so long I promise i'll make new posts at least once a week. Stuff i'll be blogging about is pokemon black and white I have already beaten pokemon white which I got at gamestop at midnight  and I beat it in 2 days the game is actualy quit simple. Well I will post some new pokemon info next week or maybe sometime this week but most likly next week well i'll post some new things soon bye :)


Monday, January 17, 2011

Black and White realease date USA

I'm proud to anounce that Pokemon Black and Pokemon White are Being realeased to America on March 6'th 2011 I already pre ordered Pokeon White at Game Stop so you guys better be ready for some Pokemon White info once I get my copy of Pokemon White.